Hany Fawzy – هانى فوزى
المعمارى هانى فوزى، فنان مصرى ولد بالقاهرة فى الثامن والعشرون من شهر مايو عام ١٩٥٧
وقد نشأ فى وسط عائلة فنية اهتمت بكثير من نواحى الفنون من رسم و موسيقى و خلافه، و قد لاحظ والديه منذ نعومة أظافره شغفه بالفن والرسم حين أصاب المركز الثانى فى مسابقة عالمية فى عمر الثانية عشرة وحينها بدأ والده فى تزويده باللوحات والأدوات الفنية ليشبع موهبته
وقد كانت لرحلته إلى باريس للعمل فى إحدى كبرى المكاتب الهندسية هناك بعد إنتهائه من رحلة الجامعة، أثراّ عميق فى إبراز الناحية الفنية فى أعماله المعمارية
وتوجت رحلته الفنية باندراجه فى إحدى الطرق الصوفية فى بداية شبابه مما كان له أيضا أثرا كبيرا فى توجهاته الفنية
وقد اتخذ قراراّ مؤخراّ فى استثمار وقت أكبر فى أعماله الفنية و التي يستخدم فيها كل ما أتيح له من خامات ومواد و أدوات و التى تعكس كل تجاربه و أفكاره ومشاعره وتتميز بمستواها الرفيع فى التكوين و التلوين وقوة التعبير
Architect Hany Fawzy, an Egyptian artist and was born in Cairo on the 28th of May 1957
He grew up within an artistic family that had interest in many aspects of art such as drawing, music, etc. His parents noticed his passion for art and drawing from an early age when he won second place in an international competition at the age of twelve, and at that time his father began providing him with canvases and art supplies to motivate his talent and enrich it.
His trip to Paris to work for a major engineering office after completing university, had a profound impact on expressing his artistic aspect in his architectural work.
His artistic journey was very affected and inspired whilst joining a Sufi cult in his early youth, which also had a great impact on his artistic views.
He recently made a decision to invest more time on his artworks, in which he uses all available materials and supplies that reflect all his experiences, ideas and feelings, these artworks differ in exquisite composition, painting and power of expression.
Group Exhibition – The Circle – 2020
- 80 x 80 cm – SOLD
- 80 x 80 cm – SOLD
- 80 x 80 cm – SOLD
- 80 x 80 cm
- 70 x 100 cm
- 38 x 53 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 120 x 180 cm
- 50 x 50 cm
- 45 x 45 cm – SOLD
- 30 x 60 cm
- 42.5 x 42.5 cm – SOLD
- 45 x 45 cm – SOLD
- 45 x 45 cm – SOLD
- 40 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 45 x 45 cm – SOLD