Sarah MohyEddin – سارة محي الدين
Egyptian artist born in Cairo in 1985. She graduated in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and built a successful career in human resources for 9 years. Mohy-Eddin showed artistic potential since young age but her relationship with art deepened remarkably after studying in Magd ElSagini’s school in Cairo in 2017. In 2018 Mohy-Eddin chose to continue studying art, specifically in Dublin at the National College of Art and Design for a year and graduated with a first class honours degree in visual art practice, in 2019 she then went on and joined the Royal Hibernian Academy also in Dublin where she studied in depth technical skillset under the guidance of worldwide renowned artists and received her fine art diploma in 2020. Mohy-Eddin has exhibited in different group shows and her work was mentioned in the Irish arts review, she has work in private collections in Egypt, Ireland, and UK. The artist is currently living between Egypt and Ireland and is fully dedicated to art practice preparing to complete her MFA degree.
Mohy-Eddin’s work is inspired by personal events making her work extremely particular and intimate. Given that she has been in an experiential learning phase she experiments with various techniques and styles but her unique intriguing points remain her personal connection to the body of work she makes and material, how material reacts to surfaces, treatments and how to signify colour theories.
سارة محي الدين من مواليد 1985 ، فنانة مصرية تعيش حاليًا بين مصر وأيرلندا. درست ممارسة الفنون المرئية في كلية الفنون والتصميم في دبلن و تخرجت في عام 2019 وحصلت على دبلوم الفنون الجميلة من الأكاديمية الملكية الايرلندية في دبلن في عام 2020. مهتمة باستكشاف الخامات و كيفية تفاعل المواد مع الأسطح والعلاجات والتجارب في نظريات اللون ، يظل عملها حميميًا لأنه مستمد من أحداث شخصية. شاركت محيي الدين في العديد من المعارض الجماعية ولها أعمال في مجموعات خاصة في مصر وأيرلندا والمملكة المتحدة.
Group Exhibition – Shuffle – 2021
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 28 x 28 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm – SOLD
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 150 x 150 cm – SOLD
- 100 x 100 cm – SOLD
- 150 x 150 cm – SOLD
- 150 x 150 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm
- 30 x 30 cm